Step 1: Create an account
If you don’t have a SourceGeek account yet, you should create one to get access to the platform. Go to
and create an account
Please follow all the steps of the registration process here.
Step 2: Optimize your profile settings
Once you have an account on SourceGeek, you should check and optimize your profile settings. Go to the My Settings section and optimize one or more of the following:
Your operational hours
Your LinkedIn limits
Your subscription plan
More information about your personal settings can be found here.
Step 3: Create a campaign and activate it
Once you are done with adjusting your profile settings, you are ready to create your first campaign. Fill in your landing page url, create your contact list and set up your connection message. See a details document of the campaign creation process here.
Step 4: Check the campaign activity
Once the campaign starts sending out invites, you can check the campaign activity in the Campaign Details overview or in the Analytics section.