Visit SourceGeek extension page on Chrome Web Store
Click the "Add to Chrome" button
Confirm the installation when prompted
Currently we support Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave or any other chromium based browser. Support for other browsers coming soon.
Make sure you're logged in to your LinkedIn account
If you have Sales Navigator or Recruiter subscriptions, visit those tools in your browser to make sure all neccesary cookies are set.
Click the extension icon in your browser toolbar
Grant necessary permissions if asked
Click on "Refresh session" button
After you've completed all steps SourceGeek will attempt to verify your connection, this can take around one monute. After successful verification you'll see green mark next to your profile picture. This indicates that your SourceGeek account is fully set up and you can proceed with creating your first campaign.
Things to know
For SourceGeek to maintain stable connection to your LinkedIn profile you must not sign out from your LinkedIn account. If you do that SourceGeek will loose all abilities to send connection requests or messages.
We advise not to use multiple LinkedIn accounts within the same browser, if you absolutely have to do that please use different browser for other accounts. You should use your primary account in the same browser as SourceGeek application.
Always feel free to contact us if you have any questions or issues.